D'Artur TransConsult LLC

Talking Business.
I'm Yuriy Alatortsev, the founder and the president of D'Artur TransConsult LLC. The idea of establishing our own consultancy came earlier but realization was only possible when we have gathered necessary experience, traveled the world, learned various cultures and languages and became part of the well known and intelligent network of friends and companies in Ukraine and not only.
When Berlin Wall fell, Iron Curtain opened pioneering businessmen from all over the world started touring Ukraine famous for its rich arable land and once the Breadbasket of Europe they figured that Ukraine is a great place to invest. Ever since the first interest of foreign investors to do business in Ukraine the team of D'Artur was part of the process providing services which included business consulting, interpreting, registration to mention just a few.
As time went by our experts became Ukraine's leading analysts and advisors to well known companies from US, Argentina, Brazil, UK, France. We have worked with embassies, consulates, publicly traded companies and private business helping them to better understand the Ukrainian business environment providing various research, analytics and most importantly conclusions and SWOT analysis.
Since 2005 we were involved in many exciting projects including M&A both foreigners buying Ukrainian companies and vice versa and also foreign companies buying foreign companies in Ukraine. This involves knowledge of particular customs, traditions and most importantly cultures to do the right move and make a win win deal. We continue doing this and we are proud of our portfolio of Clients. However, not only M&A are part of our business - our key under the challenges of russian invasion is to help foreign businesses, survive in Ukraine, do a better job, make margins and remain sustainable and better yet - continue investing in Ukraine as this country has not yet reached its full potential.
We will be happy to tell you more about Ukraine and our services!

Yuriy ALatortsev
Email me at: y.alatortsev@dartur.com.ua